Friday, February 27, 2009

Business Class in Unity

UNITY -- Caroline King of Maine Word, in conjunction with Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA), will present a Writing for Your Business workshop in Unity, Maine. The workshop will give small business owners the skills necessary to write effective and creative marketing materials.

Caroline King will present this interactive and results-oriented workshop on Friday, April 10 from 1P – 5P. Caroline King, a published writer and editor, understands the challenges facing small business. She will share her professional expertise to help small business succeed during these tough economic times. The workshop will help small business owners to tell their business story by developing a mission statement for their business; learn how to express the unique benefits of their product or service on the printed page, and learn how to put this together in a compelling and concise ‘elevator’ speech.

In addition, participants will learn to develop and use various marketing materials to promote their business. This hands-on session will teach participants how to create written content for their brochures, websites, and press releases to spread the word quickly and effectively about their business. This informative workshop will cost $35 per person and participants will walk away with written materials for their business, along with great ideas and resources.

To register, please go to MOFGA’s online store, or call 568-4142. The class size of the workshop is limited to fifteen people, so participants are encouraged to register early.

Opportunity Center Donates Books to Local Libraries

The Opportunity Center of North Franklin County continues to work as a catalyst to ensure the success of our region by supporting entrepreneurs with a donation to local libraries. In their latest project, the Opportunity Center has purchased business books for libraries in Phillips, Strong and Rangeley. The project was made possible by a grant from John Merck Fund and will provide an on-going resource for local entrepreneurs.

In consultation with local business owners, the Opportunity Center developed a book list to meet the needs of both new and existing businesses in Franklin County. The books were chosen to provide general guidance on how to start and manage a business, creative ways to market your products or services and motivational and exploratory books about entrepreneurship. These resource books will be available at local libraries and may also be obtained via inter-library loan.

The books were purchased at Books, Lines and Thinkers in Rangeley. Caroline King, who headed up the Opportunity Center Library Book project, said “We would like to thank proprietor Wes Connally for his generous support for this project. His competitive prices, combined with the considerable discount he gave, made it possible for us to spend the grant money locally.”

The books include:

Rangeley Public Library:
Storytelling for Grantseekers: The Guide to Creative Nonprofit Fundraising - Cheryl A. Clarke
Anatomy of a Business Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Business and Securing Your Company's Future - Linda Pinson
The E-Myth Revisited: Why most small businesses don’t work and what to do about it - Michael Gerber
The Four Hour workweek - Timothy Ferriss
The Guerrilla Marketing Handbook - Jay Levinson & Seth Godin

Phillips Public Library:
The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Strategies for Continuously Creating Opportunity in an age of uncertainty – McGrath and MacMillian
Made to Stick: Why some ideas survive and others die - Chip Heath and Dan Heath
The Financial Wisdom of Ebenezer Scrooge - Ted Klontz, Ph.D
Permission Marketing - Seth Godin
Do what you love, the money will follow: Discovering your right livelihood. - Dr. Marsha Sinetar

Strong Public Library
Soul Proprietor - Jane Pollak
Small Business Start-up Kit - Peri H Pakroom and Barbara Kate Repa
Creating a World without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism - Muhammad Yunus
Who’s Your City? How the Creative Economy is Making Where We Live the Most Important Decision of your Life. - Richard Florida
Starting on a Shoestring: Building a business without a bankroll - Arnold S. Goldstein
Never Eat Alone - Keith Ferrazzi and Tahl Raz

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Poetry Contest for Students of Phillips Elementary School

In honor of National Poetry month (April), Maine Word will host a poetry writing contest for children in kindergarten through eighth grade at Phillips Elementary School.

Maine Word hopes to inspire students to explore their creativity through poetry and to highlight the diverse imagination of our children. Winning poets will be invited to read their poems at a ceremony for the public on Saturday, April 25th at the Phillips Public Library.

Poetry books donated by Maine Word will be awarded to the contest winners and the authors' winning entries will be placed on the Maine Word website and may appear in local newspapers.

All poems will be on displayed at the Phillips Public Library from April 18 - May 2, 2009.
Entries will be judged in three different age categories (K – Grade 2, Grades 3-5 and Grades 6-8). The contest theme is “Living in Western Maine” and the poem may take any form. The submission deadline for the contest is Saturday, April 14. To enter, students should send one poem along with their complete name, grade, address and telephone number to Maine Word, 39 Reeds Mill Road in Madrid, ME 04966.

This event is sponsored by Maine Word and is NOT a school-sponsored event. If parents or students have any questions about the poetry contest, please contact Caroline King at 491-9810.

Hallowell Creative Writing Class

A new Creative Writing workshop at the Cohen Center in Hallowell will be facilitated by Caroline King on April 28th from 9A – 12P. The workshop will focus on a variety of writing exercises to capture your imagination. The format will to allow you to explore the power of your words and build your creative writing skills. The cost will be $15 per person.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Winslow Writing Workshop

WINSLOW -- Maine Word will be holding a Creative Writing workshop in Winslow on March 21st. The workshop will provide participants a great opportunity to energize their creative spirits and join the strong and growing community of writers in central Maine.

The workshop will combine strong fundamentals in a fun and supportive environment that focuses on a variety of writing exercises. The format will to allow you to explore the power of your imagination in a fast-paced workshop and it will feature the constructive feedback necessary to build your writing skills. Caroline King, owner of Maine Word, will facilitate this new workshop in which she has designed a number of smart and intuitive writing prompts.

According to King, “Writing is a solitary act, but this workshop will allow us to come together as writers.” The workshop is open to writers of all skill levels and will provide writers of fiction, nonfiction and poetry time to focus on their own work.

This single-session workshop is a perfect introduction to creative writing or may give you the new sparks your writing needs after a long Maine winter. The Creative Writing Workshop has been scheduled for Saturday, March 21 at the Living Water Spiritual Center in Winslow from 1pm until 5pm. The workshop will be offered at the affordable price of $32 per person, but class size is limited, so call today to sign up.

For more information about the variety of creative writing classes and workshops offered by Maine Word, including the Creative Writing workshop in Winslow, visit our website at ( or call Caroline King at 207-491-9810.

Creative Writing Class in Avon

Maine Word will be holding a Creative Writing class in Avon starting next month. The class will introduce adults to a variety of forms of creative writing and can serve as a great beginning to the writing your story in either a fiction or non-fiction format. The class will help you to plan, write, and edit a creative piece during the eight weekly sessions. The Creative Writing class will be on Wednesday evenings from March 18 until May 6.

The class is being taught by Caroline King and will combine strong fundamentals in a fun and supportive environment that provides a variety of writing exercises and feedback as you write your story. This class will give you the structure and skills to succeed in writing your story. The class will conclude with a professional editorial opinion of your work.

The class which starts on March 18 will be held at Country Bumpkins in Avon. The class will be each Wednesday night from 6 pm – 8:30 pm. The tuition for the class will be $127 per person and payment plans are available. For more information about the variety of writing classes and workshops offered by Maine Word, including the Creative Writing class in Avon, visit our website at ( or call Caroline King at 207-491-9810.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Poetry Workshop in Belgrade

BELGRADE– Maine Word will offer a Poetry Workshop in Belgrade on March 14th from 9A -12P. If your writing has become frozen over the long Maine winter, this workshop is sure to provide you with a fresh perspective and tap into some of the creative energy of spring. The workshop facilitated by Caroline King will offer a mix of structured time with writing exercises and prompts and an opportunity to workshop your poetry. Those in attendance can expect to take away new ideas, poetic starts, and inspiration for the spring.

The Poetry Workshop cost is only $16, but pre-registration is required to ensure your place at the table. The Poetry Workshop will be held at the Lazy Lab Café which is located at 81 Main Street (Route 27) in Belgrade. The Lazy Lab Café offers the perfect relaxed setting for this special event which will be held on the café’s second floor.

For more information or to register for the Poetry Workshop, please contact Maine Word at their website or call Caroline King at 491-9810.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Coming in March

Maine Word will be offering Poetry at the Lazy Lab Cafe on March 14 from 9A-12p in Belgrade and a Creative Writing Workshop on March 21 from 1p - 5p at the Living Water Spiritual Center in Winslow.

More details will be available soon!