Monday, January 19, 2009

Winter Poetry Retreat

Winter Poetry Retreat in Madrid

MADRID – Maine Word will offer a Winter Poetry Retreat with guest poet Doug Woodsum of Smithfield in February.

The Winter Poetry Retreat will be February 20 - 22 at the Star Barn Bed and Breakfast in Madrid. This special weekend retreat will allow writers from around the region to explore and develop their poetic voice.

The retreat will provide poets a weekend to focus on their writing amidst the natural beauty and silence of the winter landscape at the Star Barn Bed and Breakfast.

The Retreat will offer a mix of structured time with writing exercises and prompts, poetry readings and workshop critiques of their poetry, along with an opportunity to meet individually with published authors Doug Woodsum and Caroline King and plenty of free time to write and relax during a weekend dedicated to poetry.

Those in attendance can expect to take away new ideas, poems, inspiration, and tools from the weekend and will have the opportunity to improve their existing work and to expand their poetic network.

For more information or to register for the Winter Poetry Retreat, please contact Maine Word at their website or call Caroline King at 207-491-9810.

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