Monday, January 19, 2009

Writing for Your Business

The Story of Your Small Business

FARMINGTON -- University of Maine Cooperative Extension will present a Writing for Your Business workshop series for existing small and home-based businesses starting on February 3, 2009 at Franklin Memorial Hospital in Farmington. This workshop series will give business owners the skills necessary to write effective and creative marketing materials for numerous applications and how to use creative ideas to expand their business though networking.

Marc Edwards, University of Maine Cooperative Extension, and Caroline King, founder of Maine Word will present this interactive and results-oriented workshop series. Caroline, a published writer and editor, understands the challenges that face small businesses and will share her professional expertise to help your business succeed during these tough economic times.

The workshop series Writing for Your Business will be three sessions held in early February and will cover a number of topics to help small business owners. Telling Your Business Story will be Tuesday, February 3 from 6 – 9 PM. Participants will develop a mission statement for their business; learn how to express the unique benefits of their product on the printed page, and how to put this together in a compelling and concise ‘elevator’ speech.

Developing and Using Marketing Materials to Promote Your Business will be the focus of the second session on Thursday, February 5 from 6 – 9 PM. This hand-on session will teach participants how to create written content for their brochures, websites, and press releases to spread the word quickly and effectively about their business. Topics to be covered will include how to write for the Internet, development of printed materials for brochures and rack cards and how to write a basic press release. In addition, participants will also get an introduction to the many low or no cost marketing opportunities.

On Tuesday, February 10 from 6 – 9 PM, the final session of the series is entitled the Marketing Power of your Network. This session will remind participants that their small business in Maine is not an island! Participants will learn how to use their personal and professional networks to grow and expand their businesses. Participants will also learn about working with other small businesses to package their products and services.

This informative workshop series is only $30 and participants will walk away with written materials for their business, along with great ideas and resources. Please call 778-4650 or 1-800-287-1478 to register. Space is limited and pre-registration is required by Friday January 30, 2009.

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