Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Congratulations to Nathaniel Smith

Nathaniel Smith, a 2nd grader at the Phillips Elementary School, was recently selected as the 2009 Winner of the Maine Word Poetry Contest for his poem Western Maine. As the first place winner, Smith received a copy of Shel Silverstein's poetry book A Light in the Attic. Maine Word would also like to recognize teacher Dawn Maceda for her efforts to encourage her students to participate in this year's contest!

Western Maine
By Nathaniel Smith

Summer is fun.
The rain is gone.
Animals are eating all day long!
Here comes Fall, let's have a ball.
Here comes a scarecrow.
He is so scary.
He'll be stuffed with those leaves
you raked up in a hurry.
Next comes winter,
then comes Spring!
The snow will melt,
out comes the flowers.
Kids play outside for hours and hours.
I think I hear a peeptoad out on a log.
Oh, LOOK! there is a moose out in my bog!

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